
Diabetes is a disease caused by insufficient or ineffective insulin hormone in the pancreas. The blood sugar level is controlled by insulin hormone. If the body cannot produce enough insulin or if there is resistance to the insulin hormone at the cellular level, blood sugar increases and diabetes develops.

Types of diabetes

Diabetes is divided into type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If the patient’s body does not produce insulin, it is called type 1, but if it cannot use insulin properly, it is called type 2.

Symptoms and signs of diabetes

Wounds cannot heal easily. Frequent urination, excessive thirst, visual disturbances, fatigue and exhaustion, weight loss, feeling hungry, nausea, vomiting, breath odor, frequent urinary tract infections, menstruation, dry and itchy skin are classified.

Treatment of diabetes

The goal of treating diabetes is to maintain blood sugar control or prevent blood sugar from rising and falling. Insulin balance is extremely important to prevent complications from developing or to slow down advanced complications. Diabetes control means keeping blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible.

Healthy eating:

In particular, carbohydrate foods and all other nutrients that are consumed more than the body needs raise blood sugar levels. It is very important to provide patient-specific and appropriate nutritional therapy for blood sugar control.


Training allows the body to use glucose effectively and control blood sugar. It also helps people with fat type 2 diabetes lose weight.

Medicine / insulin:

Insulin is a hormone that it provides that sugar is used in the body and to prevent the increase in blood sugar. People with type 1 diabetes need insulin to live because their body does not produce insulin. People with type 2 diabetes may need oral medication or insulin to maintain blood sugar balance.

Surgical treatment of diabetes

Patients with type 2 diabetes can benefit from a metabolic surgery. However, it should be noted that not all patients with type 2 diabetes are eligible for surgery. Patients with type 2 diabetes should undergo surgery if they are unable to control blood sugar despite diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, medication and insulin consumption. Before planning an operation, patients should be examined with a detailed and multidisciplinary approach. The most accurate treatment options should be communicated to the patient.