Breast Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Every year, 12.7 million people get cancer and 7.6 million die of cancer every year. In 2030, an estimated 26 million new cancer cases and 17 million deaths per year. In terms of the health system, 30-40% of all cancers should be considered preventable. Breast cancer is the most common of these preventable cancers.


Importance of breast cancer

  • It is an avoidable cancer.
  • It is the most common cancer in women. 30% of cancers in women
  • Increasing.
  • In the 1960s, one in 20 women in the studies had breast cancer. Now one in 8 women has breast cancer.


Risk Factors

  1. Geography:

in Europe – America High risk

in Asia – Africa Less risk

  1. Over 50 years old: 78% of breast cancer patients are over 50 years old.
  2. Family history of breast or ovarian cancer increases the risk of seeing:

The risk is higher, especially if the person with cancer is a first-degree relative of the mother. The risk is even greater if this person has breast cancer before menopause. Breast cancer is aggressive both at a very young age and in people with familial breast cancer syndrome caused by a defect in the BRCA 1-2 genes. These genetic syndromes make up 5-10% of all breast cancers.

Based on this information, it should not be considered that people with no family background of breast cancer are at low risk of developing breast cancer. Because 75% of women who develop breast cancer do not have breast cancer in their family history.

  1. Long-term estrogen exposure

Early menstrual age (under 12), late menopause (over 55). get pregnant in advanced age, no breastfeeding, a short period of breastfeeding or not giving birth.

There is controversy over birth control pills, according to some sources it can increase the minimum risk, but the general view is that it does not increase the risk.

Hormone replacement therapy after the monopause.

If the person has cancer before, the risk of developing again 2 to 5 times increases.

Radiotherapy in childhood


Self-examination; Visually in front of the mirror, standing by hand and lying by hand, this is done in 3 steps. From the age of 20, every woman should undergo a self-examination once a month one week after the menstrual period. You need to get used to your own breast structure in order to be able to examine yourself so that you can understand the difference when you come across a tumor. Emerging masses and other non-breast masses are important.

Clinical examination (medical examination)

It is recommended every three years between 20 and 39 years and once a year after the age of 40.

Mammography is the main screening method. The 5-year survival rate in breast cancer patients, regardless of the stage of the cancer, is given as 83% in industrialized countries and 53% in developing countries. The main reason for this difference is participation in screening programs, especially mammography. According to EU standards, the screening participation rate in industrialized countries should be at least 70%.




Breast cancer treatment: Holistic treatment including surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Surgical treatment: By examining the ratio of the breast to the tumor, the entire breast can be removed or an operation called breast protection surgery can be performed with only 1 to 2 cm around the tumor. Breast protection surgery is now widely used. It is wrong to perceive only the difference between the two operations as cosmetic. It is also considered an object of sexuality for the woman who has breast cancer in society. Unfortunately, the fact should be in mind that women can feel incomplete after removing the entire breast. In addition, life is longer and more pleasant if cancer is recognized early.